Patients experiences

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

What patients say about streptokill

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

Anna Steindlová
Czech republic

Streptokill is my salvation after constant recurrent angina. After several ATBs in a row, I was already at the bottom mentally. Then a friend recommended me streptokill and I use it immediately after the initial scratch in the throat and it always works immediately and the angina is cured within two days.

It will be in my medicine cabinet forever.

Thank you!

Streptokill je moje záchrana po neustálých opakovaných angínach. Po několika ATB za sebou jsem byla už psychicky úplně na dně. Pak mi kamarádka doporučila streptokill a používám ho hned po prvotním zašrabani v krku a vždy hned zabere a angina je do dvou dnů vyléčena.

Už navždy bude v mé lékárničce.


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Filip Havlíček
Czech republic

Good day,
I send reviews and photos to the I love streptokill section.

Our whole family has been suffering from strep for about a year now and we have been ATB-free since then. We often suffer from angina, incl. children, but we all reach for STkill after the initial scratch in the throat. It really works for us, it's just that the little bottle doesn't last long

Dobrý den,
posílám recenzí a fotografií do rubriky I love streptokill.

Celá naše rodina frčíme na streptokillu už asi rok a od té doby jsme bez ATB. Trpime často na anginy vč. dětí, ale všichni už po prvotním zaškrabani v krku saháme po STkillu. U nás opravdu funguje, jen ta malá lahvička dlouho nevydrží

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Beáta Jakubská
Czech republic

For a long time I suffered from a scratchy throat and repeated sore throats, after using STkill I feel relief, I haven't gotten sick again yet.

Dlouhodobě mě trápilo škrábání v krku a opakované angíny, po užívání STkillu cítím úlevu, zatím jsem znovu neonemocněla.

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Czech republic

Stkill has been in our home first aid kit for almost two years now, as it has already saved our ass several times. Before its discovery, we suffered from repeated sore throats, but at the slightest pain in the throat, we start using it and within a few days there is peace.

Stkill už skoro dva roky nesmí chybět v naší domácí lékárničce, jelikož nám už několikrát zachránil zadek. Před jeho objevem jsme trpěli na opakované angíny, ale při sebemenší bolesti v krku začneme užívat a do pár dnů je klid.

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Hana Kalianková
Czech republic

STkill helped us with repeated streptococci from school.... For 2 months we kept going round and round with ATB, only when we added STkill even after finishing treatment, it was over... Since then it must not be missing in the medicine cabinet

STkill nám pomohl s opakovanými streptokoky ze školy.... 2 měsíce jsme se točili s ATB stále dokola,až když jsme přidali STkill i po doléčení,bylo po ... Od té doby nesmí v lékárničce chybět

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Czech republic

I learned about Streptokill from several patients - I work in a pharmacy, as an effective treatment for recurrent angina and sore throat. Fortunately, I never needed to try it "on my own" skin. Unfortunately, I recently had angina and a blood smear revealed hemophilia. Despite two ATBs, my neck was still muddy, so I also tried STkill. Well, I have to confirm that this product really works. After intensive use, the mucus in my throat disappeared. So I will continue to recommend, this time I can also add my own experience.

O Streptokillu jsem se dozvěděla od několika pacientů - pracuji v lékárně, jako o účinné léčbě opakovaných angin a bolestí v krku. Nikdy jsem ale naštěsti nepotřebovala vyzkoušet "na vlastni" kůži. Bohužel mě v nedávné době postihla angína a při výtěru byl zjištén hemofil. I přes dvoje ATB jsem měla krk stále zahleněný, proto jsem i já vyzkoušela STkill. No a musim potvrdit, že tento přípravek opravdu funguje. Po intenzivním používání mi hlen v krku zmizel. Takže i nadále budu doporučovat, tentokrát mohu přidat i vlastí zkušenost.

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Mirka Kovacikova
Czech republic

Good day. I would like to share our experience with Streptokill. My daughter got herpes sore throat, she had blisters in her mouth or on her upper palate or tonsils. Everything she ate and drank hurt her, even after eating, and her throat was very sore. Last year, temperatures reached 40 degrees and we used Atb. Fortunately, this year it was without temperatures, but still very painful and unpleasant. My daughter also has reflux and many other intolerances, which is why we were also afraid of Streptokill data. Well, we tried and she accepted it perfectly fine and the angina subsided within 1 day!!!! No antibiotics at all, nothing. On the 1st day we sprayed 1 spray 3 times a day, on the 2nd day we just gargled 3 sprays in a measuring cup with water and it worked wonderfully.
If only there was a preparation like this for nasal congestion :)

My mother also got a severe sore throat a few days later, it was enough to spray my throat in the evening and on the 2nd day there was no pain.
We don't take Streptokill anymore. Thank you for a great product, it's just a shame that you can't buy it anywhere in SK.

Dobry den. Chcela by som sa podelit o nasu skusenost so Streptokill. Dcerka dostala herpesovu anginu, v ustach mala pluzgieriky ci uz na hornom podnebi alebo mandliach. Vsetko co jedla, pila ju stipalo, aj po jedle a velmi ju bolelo hrdielko. Minuly rok dostala aj 40tky teploty a uzivali sme Atb. Tento rok to bolo nastastie bez teplot, no stale velmi bolestive a neprijemne. Dcerka ma aj reflux a mnohe ine intolerancie, preto sme sa aj bali Streptokill dat. No skusili sme a uplne v pohode to akceptovala a angina jej do 1 dna ustupila!!!! Vobec ziadne atb, nic. 1.den sme strekli 3x denne po 1 streku, 2.den sme uz len kloktali 3 streky v odmerke s vodou a krasne to zabralo.
Kiez by bol nejaky takyto preparat aj na sople do nosa :)

Mamina tiez o par dni dostala silne bolesti hrdla, stacilo mi nastriekat hrdlo vecer a na 2.den uz bez bolesti.
Streptokill si uz nedame. Dakujeme za super vyrobok, skoda len ze na SK sa neda nikde zakupit.

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Czech republic

Streptokill was recommended to me by a colleague for repeated sore throats and angina. After just a few days of use, the much-desired relief came. I've been using Streptokill ever since, I can't stop using it and I recommend it to everyone else.

Streptokill mi byl doporučen kolegyní na opakované bolesti v krku a angíny. Již po pár dnech použití přišla tolik vytoužená úleva. Streptokill od té doby používám, nedám na něj dopustit a doporučuji jej všem ostatním.

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Czech republic

I work in a kindergarten and suffered from repeated purulent sore throats. They came back every year and I took antibiotics several times every year. Every time my throat started to scratch, my angina started right away. I tried almost everything possible against a sore throat, I was at a loss.
I stumbled upon it while studying; how to finally beat angina; on Streptokill. I didn't really believe it, but I tried to order. I must say that the effect is great, it saved me from angina for the second time.
The whole family has been using it, and the children have gotten used to it.
I highly recommend everyone to try it. I won't let him.

Pracuji ve školce a trpěla jsem na opakované hnisavé angíny. Vracely se každoročně a já každý rok brala i několikrát antibiotika. Vždy když mě začalo škrábat v krku angína se hned rozjela. Vyzkoušela jsem snad všechno možné proti bolesti v krku, byla jsem už bezradná.
Náhodně jsem narazila při studování; jak konečně porazit angínu; na Streptokill. Moc jsem tomu nevěřila, ale zkusila jsem objednat. Musím říct, že účinek je skvělý, už podruhé mě před angínou zachránil.
Používáme ho už celá rodina, zvykly si už i děti.
Moc všem doporučuji vyzkoušet. Já na něj nedám dopustit.

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Bára Klímová
Czech republic

Absolute satisfaction. He is relied upon. The sooner I apply, the greater the chance that the neck won't even start. I recommend.

Absolutní spokojenost. Je na něj spolehnutí. Čím dřív aplikuju, o to větší je šance, že se krk ani nerozjede. Doporučuju.

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