Patients experiences

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

What patients say about streptokill

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

Linda M.
Czech republic

My daughters and I now had angina and your product helped us. Even my three-year-old daughter learned to swallow it on her own without drinking it :-)

Se svými dcerami jsme teď měli angínu a Váš přípravek nám pomohl. I tříletá dcera se ho namonec naučila polykat bez zapití :-)

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Filip Havlíček
Czech republic

Good day,
I send reviews and photos to the I love streptokill section.

Our whole family has been suffering from strep for about a year now and we have been ATB-free since then. We often suffer from angina, incl. children, but we all reach for STkill after the initial scratch in the throat. It really works for us, it's just that the little bottle doesn't last long

Dobrý den,
posílám recenzí a fotografií do rubriky I love streptokill.

Celá naše rodina frčíme na streptokillu už asi rok a od té doby jsme bez ATB. Trpime často na anginy vč. dětí, ale všichni už po prvotním zaškrabani v krku saháme po STkillu. U nás opravdu funguje, jen ta malá lahvička dlouho nevydrží

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Czech republic

My son had five anginas in a row, they couldn't put us on antibiotics for the fifth one, so we tried other ways, I read the recommendations on STkill and I must say that we are satisfied. The whole family used it - even the other children, as soon as it started to rattle in their throats, we immediately applied STkill and, wow, it worked. I have also tried it on myself - the last sore throat went away without antibiotics.

Syn si prošel pěti angínami za sebou, při páté už nám nemohli nasadit antibiotika, takže jsme zkoušeli jiné cesty, četla jsem doporučení na STkill a musím říct, že jsme spokojeni. Užívala celá rodina - i ostatní děti, jakmile je začalo šimrat v krku, hned jsme aplikovali STkill a světe div se, ono to fungovalo. Mám vyzkoušeno i na sobě - poslední angína se obešla bez antibiotik.

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Hana Kalianková
Czech republic

STkill helped us with repeated streptococci from school.... For 2 months we kept going round and round with ATB, only when we added STkill even after finishing treatment, it was over... Since then it must not be missing in the medicine cabinet

STkill nám pomohl s opakovanými streptokoky ze školy.... 2 měsíce jsme se točili s ATB stále dokola,až když jsme přidali STkill i po doléčení,bylo po ... Od té doby nesmí v lékárničce chybět

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Mirka Kovacikova
Czech republic

Good day. I would like to share our experience with Streptokill. My daughter got herpes sore throat, she had blisters in her mouth or on her upper palate or tonsils. Everything she ate and drank hurt her, even after eating, and her throat was very sore. Last year, temperatures reached 40 degrees and we used Atb. Fortunately, this year it was without temperatures, but still very painful and unpleasant. My daughter also has reflux and many other intolerances, which is why we were also afraid of Streptokill data. Well, we tried and she accepted it perfectly fine and the angina subsided within 1 day!!!! No antibiotics at all, nothing. On the 1st day we sprayed 1 spray 3 times a day, on the 2nd day we just gargled 3 sprays in a measuring cup with water and it worked wonderfully.
If only there was a preparation like this for nasal congestion :)

My mother also got a severe sore throat a few days later, it was enough to spray my throat in the evening and on the 2nd day there was no pain.
We don't take Streptokill anymore. Thank you for a great product, it's just a shame that you can't buy it anywhere in SK.

Dobry den. Chcela by som sa podelit o nasu skusenost so Streptokill. Dcerka dostala herpesovu anginu, v ustach mala pluzgieriky ci uz na hornom podnebi alebo mandliach. Vsetko co jedla, pila ju stipalo, aj po jedle a velmi ju bolelo hrdielko. Minuly rok dostala aj 40tky teploty a uzivali sme Atb. Tento rok to bolo nastastie bez teplot, no stale velmi bolestive a neprijemne. Dcerka ma aj reflux a mnohe ine intolerancie, preto sme sa aj bali Streptokill dat. No skusili sme a uplne v pohode to akceptovala a angina jej do 1 dna ustupila!!!! Vobec ziadne atb, nic. 1.den sme strekli 3x denne po 1 streku, 2.den sme uz len kloktali 3 streky v odmerke s vodou a krasne to zabralo.
Kiez by bol nejaky takyto preparat aj na sople do nosa :)

Mamina tiez o par dni dostala silne bolesti hrdla, stacilo mi nastriekat hrdlo vecer a na 2.den uz bez bolesti.
Streptokill si uz nedame. Dakujeme za super vyrobok, skoda len ze na SK sa neda nikde zakupit.

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Czech republic

We discovered streptokiĺl recently. My daughter was always sick from kindergarten, since we spray Streptokill every day during the period of higher morbidity of children, she is hardly that sick. Even now, when my husband was sick, my daughter and I sprayed each other with Streptokill every now and then, and neither of us caught it, otherwise it was common for us to pass the disease on to each other and we languished like this for two months. Streptokill is number one. Thank you

Streptokiĺl jsme objevili nedávno. Dcerka byla pořád nemocná ze školky, od té doby co střikáme při období vyšší nemocnosti dětí Streptokill každý den tak nemocná skoro nebývá. Dokonce i teď když byl manžel nemocný, tak jsme si stříkali každou chvíli s dcerou Streptokill a ani jedna jsme to nechytla, a to jinak bylo běžné, že jsme si nemoc mezi sebou předávali a marodili jsme takto klidně dva měsíce. Streptokill je jednička. Děkujeme.

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Czech republic

Streptokill is the best...I have allergies and my throat and nasopharynx often burn. STkill is the only medicine that gives me relief and help. The whole family uses it, the children are probably from the age of three. They protested a little at first, but got used to it. The sore throat will go away within two days. It must not be missing in the medicine cabinet at home.

Streptokill je nejlepší...mám alergii a často mě pálí krk a nosohltan. STkill je jediný lék, který mi uleví a pomůže. Používáme ho celá rodina, děti snad už od tří let. První trochu protestovaly, ale zvykly si. Bolest v krku přejde do dvou dnů. Doma v lékárničce nesmí chybět.

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Martina Brázdilová
Czech republic

I started giving my daughter (6 years old) Streptokill a few times a day a week after the tonsils operation with plasma. She was relieved and the smell of meringue, which is common during healing, was significantly weaker - I attribute it to better healing during application. Otherwise, Streptokill cannot be tolerated and I recommend it wherever I go.

Thank you and good luck!
Best regards,
Martina Brázdilová

Dceři (6 let) jsem týden po operaci nosní mandle plazmou začala párkrát denně Streptokill podávat. Ulevilo se jí a i zápach z pusinky, který bývá při hojení, byl výrazně slabší - přikládám lepšímu hojení při aplikaci. Jinak na Streptokill nedáme dopustit a doporučuji ho, kudy chodím.

Děkuji a přeji hodně zdaru!
S pozdravem,
Martina Brázdilová

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Jiřina Čechová
Czech republic

As stated on the website, if you try Streptokill once, you will buy it again and again. And so it is with me. I have had many experiences with early help from Streptokill, and thanks to me recommending it to friends, quite a few people in my neighborhood have also. My 10-year-old stepson coughed quite often in one day, I immediately put on Streptokill, and he himself came the next morning surprised that his throat no longer hurts and he doesn't even want to cough. In August, they started to have quite a cold and a cough here and there. I gave both of them Streptokill. After the 3rd day, Streptokill, the stepdaughter went to her mother, as we have alternate custody of the stepdaughter from her husband. My own 4-year-old daughter, who regularly sprayed herself with Streptokill, stayed at home for the next 14 days and voila - within 3 days, completely without problems. Whereas the 10-year-old stepdaughter was doped with "ordinary" medications (stoptusin, etc.) by her mother after she left us, it took another week and a half for her to heal, as she and her mother confirmed to us. Well, that's just one example among many others that I have with Streptokill - many other experiences are also positive, with results with early relief of problems and complete relief within a maximum of 3 days. With recommendation and best regards, Jiřina Čechová

Jak je uvedeno na stránkách, když jednou vyzkoušíte Streptokill, kupujete ho pak už opakovaně. A tak je to i u mě. Mnoho zkušeností s brzkou pomocí od Streptokillu mám a díky mě, že jej doporučuji známým, tak i nemálo lidí v mém okolí. Nevlastní syn 10let pokašlával v jeden den dost často, ihned jsem nasadila Streptokill a sám již druhý den dopoledne přišel překvapený s tím, že v krku ho už nebolí a ani se mu nechce kašlat.Nevlastní dcera 7 let a vlastní dcera 4 roky o prázdninách v srpnu začli mít nemalou rýmu a sem tam kašel. Oběma jsem dala Streptokill. Po 3.dnu se Streptokillem odjela ta nevlastní dcera k mamince, jelikož nevlastní dceru od manžela máme ve střídavé péči. Zůstala nám tak na dalších 14dní doma je má vlastní dcera 4 roky, která si pravidelně stříkala Streptokill a voala - do 3dnů úplně bez potíží. Kdežto ta nevlastní dcera 10letá byla po odjezdu od nás pak její mamin kou dopována "obyčejnými" medikamenty (stoptusin apod), trvalo u ní vyléčení další týden a půl, jak nám ona sama a její maminka potvrdily. Tak to je třeba jeden příklad za mnohé jiné, které se Streptokillem mám - i mnoho ostatních zkušeností je pozitivních, s výsledky s brzkým ustoupením potíží a úplné se zbavení max. do 3dnů. S doporučením a se srdečním pozdravem Jiřina Čechová

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Czech republic

Hello, although I learned about Streptokill from an advertisement recently, it interested me and I ordered 2x 2 pcs + 1 pc for free as part of the promotion for me and my son. In a short time, he has already helped me twice - he got rid of a burning pain in my throat and an earache.

Dobrý den, přestože o Streptokillu jsem se dozvěděl z reklamy nedávno, tak mne zaujal a objednal jsem 2x 2 ks + 1 ks zdarma v rámci akce pro mne a mého syna. Během krátké doby mi už dvakrát pomohl - zbavil mne pálivé bolesti v krku a bolesti v uchu.

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Czech republic

Streotokill blew me away. I wouldn't believe it could be so effective. My daughter's throat started to hurt not long after taking the antibiotics . She didn't have any major findings in her throat, but just to be sure, I had her do a strep test, which was again positive. We agreed with the doctor that we would try to solve it with streptokill and it really worked. In a week, the control smear was fine. Since then, we always have streptokill ready at home. If it starts to be applied in time, I believe that it will deal with the streptococcus.

Streotokill mě nadchnul. Nevěřila bych, že může být tak účinný. Dceru nedlouho po dobrání atb začalo bolet v krku. Žádný velký nález v krku neměla, ale pro jistotu jsem ji nechala udělat streptest, který byl opět pozitivní. Domluvily jsme se s paní doktorkou, že to zkusíme vyřešit streptokillem a opravdu se to podařilo. Za týden byl kontrolní stěr v pořádku. Od té doby máme streptokill vždy doma připraven. Pokud se začne aplikovat včas, věřím, že si se streptokokem poradí.

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Czech republic

It helps my daughter, who suffered from frequent sore throats, a lot. Now, when she starts scratching her throat, we put STkill right away and in two days the scratching stops and she finally doesn't have to take one antibiotic after another. Thank you very much and I definitely recommend it!

Pomáhá moc dcerce, která trpěla na časté angíny. Teď, když ji začne škrábat v krku, hned nasazujeme STkill a za dva dny škrábaní přestane a konečně nemusí mít jedny antibiotika za druhýma. Moc děkuji a určitě doporučuji !

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