Doctors experience

Did Streptokill help your patients or you just want to try it, write to us about it. We appreciate any professional experience with Streptokill, as well as other experiences that will help reduce antibiotic overuse.

What doctors say about streptokill

Did Streptokill help your patients or you just want to try it, write to us about it. We appreciate any professional experience with Streptokill, as well as other experiences that will help reduce antibiotic overuse.

MUDr. Zdeňka Růžičková
pediatrician | Karlovy Vary, Winner of the Karlovy Vary Region Survey 2018
Mgr. Václav Polívka
pharmacist | Praha 8

I tested Streptokill as part of its launch on the Czech market and I was very surprised by its effects. Once again, it is shown how exceptional properties can be achieved by strong extraction of active substances from plants.

Streptokill jsem testoval v rámci jeho uvedení na český trh a jeho účinky jsem byl velice překvapen. Znovu se ukazuje, jak výjimečné vlastnosti lze docílit silnou extrakcí účinných látek z rostlin.

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